Wednesday 29 February 2012

Artist Jim Hodges installation comprises of four 8-13 tonne boulders clad in different colour highly polished steel surfaces. The piece is described as an unmediated recreation of how the boulders would be found in the natural landscape where the aim is to experience the colour refractions with the surrounding light of the gallery space.

Whilst producing a strong visual effect, the boulders represent a reverbaration of their origins in the natural landscape due to their overwhelming size and exposure of the rock's surface.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Manifest Destiny, a collabarative work by artist Mark Reighlman and designer Jenny Chapman is the installation of a wood cabin in an obselte unused space on the side of a building in san-fransisico. The cabin welded then boarded up with re-claimed barn wood seemlessley attaches itslef to the surrounding urban landscape without forming too much of a contrast.

To realize this type of work much planning is needed. Permission and Proposals needed to be made to local councils and building owners, much collabaration was also needed with engineers and builders. Funding in this case becomes a key issue, therfore the idea and discussion behind the work is continually challenged. Examining how this process develops is an essential area of proffesional practice.

Monday 13 February 2012

link to video
footage of a running tiger projected onto the façade an urban landscape distils a representation of a collaboration with the wild and man-made. The imagery of the tiger running in the city streets strongly resonates with a sense of freedom and a natural metaphysical premise that highlights or relates to an escapism within the realm of our egotistical confines.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Julie Bender re-develops the process of pyrography when drawing on wood. She expresses and appreciation for animals. The many factors taken into consideration when producing the drawings presents the close engagement the artist has with the materials and tools.