Wednesday 10 November 2010

Lawrie McIntosh's Canadian Animal Series, pdf cutouts

Lizzie Hughes second empire state building, a Insightful interview with a skyscraper revealing a collection of undramatic and sometimes comic responses to the question of which floor the receptionists company is based. Confusion, misunderstanding and melancholy highlight some of the esoteric personalities residing within the capitalist monument of the empire state building.

A short (conversation) with 80 workers on 80 floors could go without mention of the unique event during coffee break chit chat. It is a simple unknown naivety that the listener picks up on. There is a great sense of the deconstruction of building from within that has been archived by this work.

The anthropomorphic quality distills a good question of human communication and internal mutterings of trust and doubt. The smooth voice over the phoneline disarms the receptionist. There is only one instance where her motive is questioned. There is a certainty of this being different post nine eleven.